Friday, April 24, 2009

F'ing foot.

So I found out yesterday that what I thought would be a simple procedure is a lot more complicated than it seemed. This stupid bunion on my left foot has been getting bigger and more painful. I talked to a podiatrist yesterday. It turns out that I won't be having a small portion of bone deposit shaved off. What has to happen is a chunk of my 1st metatarsal has to be removed. The bone has to be realigned with the rest of my foot and fused to the medial cuneiform. This translates to two week of sitting on my ass doing nothing. Then six more weeks in a cast.

I will go nuts.

I've got the surgery scheduled for Aug 10. I did get to do something funny. I invited my friend Rich to come watch my surgery. Since he's a first year medical student in Denver it should be possible for him to be there. Small things amuse me.

Hey, at least I'm already proficient on crutches.


brownie said...

"Small things amuse me." No wonder you hang out with me!

You're gonna miss 14er season, lame ass.

TitsOnTheRitz said...

Better than missing ski season.

brownie said...

No wonder you're body is falling apart, you've obviously been smoking crack. Hiking up a mountain is infinately better than getting a ride up one!

Anonymous said...

wow reading this blog post helped me review anatomy! thanks!