Thursday, April 2, 2009


3 rounds of 21 L-sit pull-ups & 30 kettle bell swings for time.

I'm not quite ready to do L pull-ups, but did my workout with our skinniest band. I used a 35# kb. My time: 11:07. After our workout, those of us who couldn't do L-sits were required to do 1 minute tuck hang to work those abs more. After that a couple of us were practicing our kipping pull-ups. At first I couldn't even get the one I'm used to being able to do. After a few minutes I decided to try again.... and for the first time ever managed to connect my kipping pull-ups! I got four of them. No bands, just me and my bitty muscles. Woohoo! Feels good to get stronger, even if it's little by little!

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