Sunday, April 19, 2009

Theatre time again

I got to see the latest Theatre 'd Art production, RUR , on Saturday night. Following that was the cast party. I think we should call these cast, crew, and all theatre friends parties, because they are never limited to the cast of shows. They are great excuses to get all out theatre buddies together to drink, dance, and party in very silly ways. I love it.

Somehow, I've managed to get myself roped into assisting with Theatreworks' next show Cyrano de Bergerac. I'll be helping with hair and wigs. It seems like such a small job, but this show is HUGE and they need all the help they can get! Of course, learning that I'll be part of it only a few days before opening night is part of the fun. :) One benefit is that my buddy Khris is in from New York to play the part of Cyrano, so I get extra time to hang with him! Woohoo!

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