Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why can't I sleep?

I love being awake at 1:47am for absolutely no reason. I'm completely exhausted. I feell like I haven't slept in days. Yet I'm wide awake. Someone explain this evil phenomenon, please! POOP!

I also like that this thing is saying it's 12:46. As if I'm in California or something. Sheesh. Get it right. Mountain Time! It even says so in my profile!


Outdoorgirl said...

You should fung shui your room. When I can’t sleep I rearrange and that works for me… Maybe your shockras are shocked…… Or there is a monster under your bed? Buy a hamster they eat evil spirits or hire a midget to look in all the scary places….

brownie said...

Hooray midgets!

Impala Mama said...

I actually hide a midget under my bed and he works fairly well. Take some melatonin, too, lady. You do a lot of stuff so your body/brain probably gets all confused after you are laying down for more than a couple minutes and wants to keep going. Melatonin will tell your body, "listen Fucker, you do what the fuck I want, right now!! Get down!!!" Or will allow you some restful sleep, however you want to look at it.

Impala Mama said...

Oh! You may also want to try going to BFE this year. It always seems to help NBN get a ton of sleep.

TitsOnTheRitz said...

I'd go to BFE if I wasn't going to be busy floating lazily down the Colorado river at that time. :)