Monday, April 14, 2008

I love the Peak

Ok, so Sunday's run sucked. I felt like shit the whole way, but apparently it didn't hurt my time too much. I just thought I was going to die most of the time. I guess one brownie's favorite sayings was appropriate, "I love it when it sucks." I have to admit that I'm fairly pleased with the results overall. I had to go incredibly slow on the return trip because my knee was throbbing and I didn't want to eff it up on a downhill run. Though my total time was slower than my last Barr Trail run, I was surprised to see that my time to No Name Creek was actually 2 minutes faster than last time.

Location: Barr Trail
Distance: 8.63 mi
Time: 2:10:02

Time to top of Ws: 51:24
Time to No Name Creek: 1:18:20

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