Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I got my first B on a chemistry exam yesterday. Biophysical Chem, to be specific. Proof positive that sleep is necessary for me to do well. Staying up until 3:30am the night before finishing my theatre project was a bad idea. On the upside, I did fairly good job on my theatre. We had to design our "perfect theatre" and draw it out to scale. That's a scary undertaking for someone who has no experience in drafting and tends to be a perfectionist. Too fun. Maybe I'll scan it in once I've finished it.

The other thing to note is that I'm fairly certain that my grade is still one of the highest in the class. Rough f'ing day, yesterday. At least rehearsal was fun.

Today, we took our first quiz in Analytical Chem. That one was a lot less scary. Which comes as a major surprise. I guess we'll see...


brownie said...

You got a B in biophysical chemistry? Gawd, you're stupid!

brownie said...

Oh yeah, you also spelled "fuck" wrong. Idiot.

TitsOnTheRitz said...

It's a computer geek spelling of fuck. Sheesh, I thought you were nerdy enough to know that.