Friday, November 9, 2007

To med or not to med?

Lately I've been debating the merits of going to med school. Is it worth the stress I'm putting on myself? Maybe I should change my major to theatre and find work as a stage manager somewhere? Maybe some sort of recreation degree and find a job outdoors somewhere? The problem with those options is that you don't get to cut people open, fix them, and put them back together if you're not a doctor.


Outdoorgirl said...

You can make plays about pretending to cut people open and fix them.....

TitsOnTheRitz said...

And invite med-nerd freaks like myself. Who else would want to watch them! :)

brownie said...

Why don't you just join the crew of ER or Scrubs?

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Well, you have the drive, brains and genetics to make a great doctor. But, in my opinion, your creativity would be wasted on a career in medicine. And you're too much of a show-boat to be spending years of your life sitting alone among the stacks. You seem to thrive in the spotlight. Theater seems like such a natural fit for you! You get to demonstrate your incredible creativity to an adoring audience. (I actually see you in front of the curtain rather than behind it.) And, while both medicine and theater can make you an expert at rote memorization, only one lets you make and wear outrageous costumes!