Saturday, December 6, 2008

People Rock.

My car was broken into on Thursday night. They smashed out 3 windows... I guess they couldn't figure out how to unlock the doors. I had two tires in the back seat of the car, because I'd just bought winter tires and was going to put the summer tires in my storage unit the next day. I guess that was just too tempting for these people. So the busted into my car, stole my tires from the back seat as well as the other two in the trunk. They also emptied my center console which had some chargers and my blue tooth in it. They took my school bag, with calculators and a couple of electronics I need for classes. They stole ALL of my professional bellydance gear. Music, costumes, sword, fire, veils, etc... Aside from costing a ton of money, that stuff is so hard to replace! They also took my $45 coffee mug that comes with a year's worth of free coffee (so basically they stole 10 1/2 months of coffee from me).

I'm not sure what's going to happen with it all, yet. My car is getting new windows today. It spent the night at the garage so that it wouldn't snow and ruin the interior of my car.

Random bit of funniness: they stole 4 tires & belly dance gear, but they left behind several text books. Obviously these geniuses are not college grads or they'd know that they could get more money for the books than for the tires.

Things that were not stolen: stereo, black diamond head lamp (they left that on the seat), an ammo can, my text books, my school parking permit, and fortunately all of my students' labs that I have to grade.


Outdoorgirl said...

Frikken people suck. I am buying you a trunk monkey for x-mas. Those fuckers wont know what hit em if they mess with a trunk monkey!!!

Chris said...

WTF?! Argh! I am so pissed off about this! Last thing you need. Hopefully you'll get a break with the semester ending and all. Bad things shouldn't happen to good people. Does this mean you'd now like sequined bras and zils for Christmas?

brownie said...

I told you to always keep your sword and fire on you, you coulda really fucked up that robber's world with them!

ESPN said...

That totally sucks! I am sorry that happened to you.